TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist - Vir.IT eXplorer: AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, AntiMalware, AntiRansomware and Crypto-Malware protection
Detects viruses and malwareIdentifies polymorphic viruses thanks to DEEP SCANMacro Virus AnalyzerINTRUSION DETECTION TechnologyVirus/malware removal toolsInstallation on Active Directory16/32/64 bit Real-Time ProtectionVir.IT Scan MailVir.IT Console Client/ServerVir.IT WebFilter ProtectionAutomatic Live-UpdateVir.IT Personal FirewallItalian Tech SupportAntiMalware Reserch Center

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Vir.IT eXplorer PRO pass the test VB100 2019-06



EICAR Membro SERIT - SEcurity Research in ITaly


Last 10 pages of virus/malware analyzed from the TG Soft’s C.R.A.M. team.

  1. 18/08/2020 - Adware.Win32.CloudPrinter.AAdware
  2. 26/06/2020 - Trojan.Win32.GootKit.DCTrojan
  3. 23/04/2020 - Trojan.JS.Dropper.CDNTrojan
  4. 13/03/2020 - Adware.Win32.MyPCBackup.BAdware
  5. 05/08/2019 - Trojan.Win32.Gootkit.CZTrojan
  6. 05/08/2019 - Trojan.Win32.Gootkit.CYTrojan
  7. 31/07/2019 - Trojan.Win32.Gootkit.BPRTrojan
  8. 30/07/2019 - Trojan.Win32.Gootkit.BPPTrojan
  9. 29/07/2019 - Trojan.Win32.Cutwail.BPOTrojan
  10. 29/07/2019 - Trojan.Win32.Cutwail.BPNTrojan

To see all the last generation type of virus/malware discovered and analyzed from the TG Soft's C.R.A.M. team, it is possible to access to the Windows Startup Application Malware.

Card malware: Trojan.Win32.Emotet.CP

  • Nome: Trojan.Win32.Emotet.CP
  • Tipologia: Trojan
  • Data: 14/12/2017
  • Nome file: 13477789.EXE
  • Esecuzione Automatica: {22E88F26-91F2-3C1B-E3DF-9A87A9ADA2FC}
  • Dimensioni: 267776 byte
  • MD5: efc38fd0fea0c493f82837078258f08f
  • Descrizione:
    Il Trojan.Win32.Emotet.CP si copia in C:\PROGRAMDATA\{BEF8A716-B9C2-A00B-E3DF-9A87A9ADA2FC}\13477789.EXE
    Modifica la seguente chiave di registro:
    [{22E88F26-91F2-3C1B-E3DF-9A87A9ADA2FC}] = C:\PROGRAMDATA\{BEF8A716-B9C2-A00B-E3DF-9A87A9ADA2FC}\13477789.EXE
  • Note aggiuntive: Rimosso da VirIT 8.5.73 e successivi.
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