Add Vir.IT eXplorer PRO

to the safe senders list!

If you do not receive the Vir.IT eXplorer PRO Newsletter, check your junk mail. In case it was mistakenly ended up in this folder, it will take you a few steps to add us to the safe senders and prevent it from happening again.

Here is a mini guide to help you to do that.

How do I add an address to safe senders?

To add a person to the Safe Senders List, click on a message from that person.
On the Home tab, navigate to the group where the Delete cross appears and click Junk mail and then on Never block sender.

To manually add names or domains to these lists, do the following:

  • On the Home tab, go to the Delete group, click Junk Email and then click Junk Email Options.
  • Do one of the following:
    • To add Safe Senders, on the Safe Senders tab, click Add.
    • To add safe recipients, on the Safe Recipients tab, click Add.
  • In the Enter a mailing address box email or Internet domain to add to the list specify the name or address you want to add. For example, you can add:
    • a specific e-mail address, for example
    • an Internet domain, for example
  • Click OK and repeat for each item you want to add.
  • Access webmail
  • Go to check your spam folder (located between the folders on the left and inside the “other” folder) or the “updates” or “promotions” tab
  • Move the mail to the “main” folder and mark the mail as “not spam” from the button at the top.
  • To prevent will end up in spam in the future:
    • Click on the “settings” of your account (top right - gear icon)
    • Click on “Filters and blocked addresses
    • Click on “Create New Filter
    • Insert in the “from field” the domain and then click on “create filter with this search
    • Mark “Never send to spam” and then click on “create filter
  • Click the “Contacts“ tab at the top left of your Yahoo! mailbox
  • Click “+ new contact
  • Enter at least one contact name and e-mail address, then click “Save
  • If you have currently received a message from me, you can simply click on the “+” next to the sender's name in the “From field” of the message to automatically add it to your contacts.
  • If a message has ended up in the junk mail folder by mistake, use the “No spam” button to report the messages you want to place in the inbox but ended up in the junk mail folder.
  • Select Options | More options from the Windows Live Hotmail toolbar (or just Options if you are using the classic version of Windows Live Hotmail).
  • Follow the link to Safe senders and blocked senders in junk mail.
  • Click on Safe senders.
  • Enter the e-mail address in the sender field or or the domain to report it as trusted.
  • Click Add List.

How to add our email address to your address book:

  • Access Apple Mail and click on “Preferences” in the upper right corner
  • From the “From:” field, click on the sender
  • screen that appears, click on Create contact or Add to contact and click End

How to add our email address to your address book:

  • From your inbox, open an email sent by
  • From the “From:” field, click on the sender
  • In the screen that appears, click on Create contact or Add to contact and click End
  • Click Contacts in the left column of the page to expand the list.
  • Click All contacts, the first entry in the list under Phonebook.
  • Click New contact, the top and center of the page next to the search button.
  • Double click on add next to Email and enter the following address:
  • Click on Save
If you still don't receive our emails:
  • Click on the Spam folder in the list on the left
  • Select the message or open it
  • Click on Not Spam at the bottom of the email

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO is certified by the biggest international organisation: