TG Soft is pleased to announce that from April 2012, the C.R.A.M. its AntiMalware Research Center has been accepted among SERIT (SEcurity Research in ITaly) partners. SERIT is a National Technology Platform involved in IT Security promoted by CNR and Finmeccanica which brings together Italian companies and institutions involved in Homeland Security research. At the moment the platform can count more than 250 Italian partners with more than 1000 inscriptions. “With Homeland Security research it is intended the development of skills and technologies to identify, prevent and manage the impact of criminal acts and malicious acts; Including terrorism, which may harm citizens, organizations, infrastructure and material / immaterial goods.”(source: SERIT)
TG Soft, with the main goal to make available its AntiVirus / AntiMalware technology to all Italian / International companies and all other people that want to rely on TG Soft software solutions, is releasing Vir.IT eXplorer Lite with no extra charges.
The main Vir.IT eXplorer Lite characteristic are:
- Freely used in both private or business use, without violation of any license;
- Interoperability with any other antivirus already installed on the computer without experiencing conflict or PC speed slowdown;
- Automatic engines and signatures updates with not time restriction;
- A powerful Intrusion Detection system – Vir.IT Lite Monitor – that can display security messages to the end user when a virus/malware of next generation(or simply a suspicious file) is putting itself in Auto Run mode. When an alert message like the one just described is displayed, the user can choose more than one options, one of these allows to send the detected file to the C.R.A.M. (AntiMalware Research Center) for a first analysis.
Go to the download page.
TG Soft's C.R.A.M. team is strongly convinced that, quoting Hanry Ford “Real progress happens only when advantages of a new technology become available to everybody”
Vir.IT eXplorer Lite Free Edition is that type of technology that can be used from everyone for free.
C.R.A.M. AntiMalware Research Center by TG Soft
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