
Enrico Tonello invited as speaker at SecureBiz2024 conference, organized by AIP ITCS and ONIF - May 10 and 11, 2024 in Florence, Italy

Find out how to attend the free conference "Cyber incidents in the company" and its full program, featuring Eng. Enrico Tonello, on Saturday, May 11.

Clicca per partecipare all'evento "Incidenti informatici in azienda" organizzato da AIP ITCS e ONIF - 10 e 11 maggio 2024 a Firenze

SecureBiz2024, the first joint conference organized by AIP-ITCS and ONIF, - leading associations in the fields of cybersecurity and digital forensics - will be held in Florence on Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11, 2024.

The event titled " Cyber Incidents in the company" aims to promote and spread the culture of protecting corporate assets, by adopting proactive and reactive strategies in managing cyber incidents in companies.

This is a unique opportunity to meet industry experts and learn about the latest technology and best practices in computer forensics.

The conference program is divided into two sessions (morning and afternoon) on Friday and one session (morning) on Saturday. The event is for in-depth study and training on the latest technologies in CyberSecurity & computer forensics, with absolutely outstanding speakers. On the last day, Eng. Enrico Tonello was invited as a speaker with a talk on "Encryption Attacks and Business Continuity."

More info on the event program at: https://www.onif.it/convegno-securebiz-2024-10-e-11-maggio-firenze/

The event will be held at the Florence Visitor Center, Santa Maria Novella complex. Piazza della Stazione 4, Florence.
Participation in the event is free upon registration, and training credits will be issued by the Society of Engineers and AIP-ITCS.

Friday, May 10, 2024 (09:30-18:00) and Saturday, May 11 (09:30-13:00) ==> Don't wait! Book your ticket

Clicca per scaricare il programma dell'evento "Incidenti informatici in azienda" - 10 e11 maggio 2024 a Firenze

  Find out the full program
We thank the organizers of AIP-ITCS and ONIF or their invitation to Enrico Tonello to participate in the event, as a speaker.

Speaker Eng. Enrico Tonello

Ing. Enrico Tonello - Speaker dell'evento L'ANTIVIRUS
  • Cyber security researcher and Co-Author of Vir.IT eXplorer. Co-founder of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist.
  • Engineering graduate in Padua. Since 1990 concerned with cybersecurity aspects with special focus on virus, malware and ransomware attacks.
  • Author of many articles on computer viruses and malware published in some of the leading Italian IT magazines.
  • Mentioned in 2021, in the article in ''La Repubblica'', among the top 50 experts to follow in Italian Cyber Security, 
  • Cyber Security Evangelist

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