"The new total count is 35 anti-malware engines in the MAX package"
It is a multi-scanner platform, similar to VirusTotal, which, among others, also wanted to include, already in 2012, our VirITeXplorerPRO scanning module with excellent appreciation.
TG Soft is proud to announce that thanks to its scan engine, already since18th May, 2016 Vir.IT eXplorer had been officially certified as "SILVER certified" in the Anti-Malware category, this year with the Vir.IT eXplorer 8.x our suite AntiVirus-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware-AntiRansomware has been awarded with "GOLD certified", by the San Francisco IT Security company OPSWAT Inc., certified as safe, efficient and compatible, their program tests the effectiveness of the Anti-Malware products and their compatibility with the access control applications of the main international suppliers. Below you can consult the Partners page of TG Soft => https://www.opswat.com/partners/tg-soft |
12/11/2012 08:50:35 - Vir.IT eXplorer certificato come software anti-virus/malware da OpsWat!!