Overview of threats in Italy in October
October saw an increase in cyber attacks and a slight increase in the number of malware clusters compared to September.
Emotet continued its malspam campaigns toward Italian users but with less force. Despite the decrease in the number of campaigns, it remains one of the most widespread and dangerous malware in Italy.
In the first two weeks we have a diversification of malware attacks, thanks to the pause of Emotet. In the following weeks Emotet resumed, but very slowly and conveyed QakBot.
Ursnif was very active with several campaigns throughout October.
Among password stealers the most important are: AgentTesla, FormBook and Remcos. Cyber-actor Hagga also did not miss, even in Italy.
RDP attacks that carried ransomware Dharma, Phobos e ShivaGood, continued.
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TG Soft's AntiMalware Research Center.
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