
Vir.IT eXplorer PRO certified by Virus Bulletin after passing VB100 2022-02 test on Win 10 PRO

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO reconfirms the VB100 2022-02 certification issued by the Virus Bulletin independent company!

TG Soft is pleased to announce that Vir.IT eXplorer PRO  passed the latest "VB100" test, conducted in February 2022, carried out by the British Independent Certification company Virus Bulletin in London, achieving the same results as some of the most famous international AntiVirus-Antispyware-AntiMalware software.

Logo Vir.IT eXplorer PRO -AntiVirus-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware-AntiRansomware-
Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin

The following is the page on the official Virus Bulletin website, which has been updated with a new layout, where all currently  certified VB100 software  on Windows operating systems, is reported=> www.virusbulletin.com => testing => VB100. Particularly we point out the tgsoft=> vir-it-explorer-pro page with the latest test passed in July on Windows 10 Professional, which can be accessed directly from the following link: "Status in VB100"

Logo VB100 by Virus BulletinVirus Bulletin is a cybersecurity information portal. The test and certifications issued, have a globally recognized reputation, that provides users with authoritative information on the latest developments in the global cyber threat landscape.

Virus Bulletin's annual international conference is considered as one of the world's most important IT security events.

The last annual Virus Bulletin conference was held last October in virtual mode!!! The second online version of the international VB2021 conference was held with live streaming content for 2 days on October 07 and 08, 2021. During these days, the latest and best research on malware, cyber criminals and threats in circulation were discussed and illustrated. Here are the full numbers and schedule of the second online edition
=> VB2021 localhost

TG Soft Italian Cyber Security Specialist distributor, for more than 20 years, of AntiVirus-AntiSpyware-AntiMalware and AntiRansomware Crypto-Malware protection solutions, took part in several Virus Bulletin meetings. The last one was held from October 2-4 VB2019 in London, where more than 400 delegates from all over the world shared their ideas, expertise and research; at VB2018Montreal; at VB2017Madrid; at VB2016Denver; at VB2015Praga; and at VB2011Barcellona

VB100 recognition and passed tests

The VB100 award is a certification attributed to those products that meet basic standards, under the strict criteria of comparative tests conducted by VB labs, to evaluate security on different operating systems, and are thus recognized to be effective and working anti-malware solutions.

The product is tested on the Windows 10 platform, where is assesssed the antivirus' ability:
  • to detect and block 100% of malware present at the time of testing in the latest version of the "WildList" (the list of all viruses collected each month by experts around the world)
  • not to report false positives when scanning the set of harmless Virus Bulletin files.
Below is the result obtained by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in the latest test of February 2022 => from the link you can see the detailed report of the passed test.
VB100 Risultato del test di febbraio 2022 => Clicca per ingrandire

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO, distributed and supported by TG Soft, was officially certified by Virus Bulletin back in October 2016.
The following are the certifications  obtained by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in 2022, after the positive outcome of the tests:

Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin
VB100 - 2021-12

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO
certified by Virus Bulletin
for passing
the VB100 2021-12 test.
Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin
 VB100 - 2021-10

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO
certified by Virus Bulletin
for passing
the VB100 2021-10 test.

Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin
Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin

Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin
Logo VB100 by Virus Bulletin

Below you can see all the tests passed by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in previous years:

Try Vir.IT eXplorer Lite 

If you are not yet using Vir.IT eXplorer PRO, it is advisable to install Vir.IT eXplorer Lite -FREE Edition- to supplement the antivirus in use to increase the security of your computers, PCs and SERVERS.

Vir.IT eXplorer Lite
has the following special features:
  • freely usable in both private and corporate environments with Engine+Signature updates without time limitation;
  • Interoperable with any other AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, AntiMalware or Internet Security already present on PCs and SERVERs, recommended to be used as a supplement to the AntiVirus already in use as it does not conflict or slow down the system but allows to significantly increase security in terms of identification and remediation of infected files;
  • It dentifies and, in many cases, even removes most of the viruses/malware actually circulating or, alternatively, allows them to be sent to the C.R.A.M. Anti-Malware Research Center for further analysis to update Vir.It eXplorer PRO;
  • through the Intrusion Detection technology, also made available in the Lite version of Vir.IT eXplorer, the software is able to report any new-generation viruses/malware that have set in automatically and send the reported files to TG Soft's C.R.A.M
  • proceed to  download Vir.IT eXplorer Lite from the official distribution page of TG Soft's website

 VirIT Mobile Security AntiMalware ITALIAN for ALL AndroidTM Devices

VirIT Mobile Security, the Italian Anti-Malware software that protects Android™ smartphones and tablets, from Malware intrusions and other unwanted threats and empowers the user to safeguard their privacy with an advanced heuristic approach (Permission Analyzer).

VirIT Mobile Security l'Antimalware di TG Soft per Android(TM)TG Soft makes VirIT Mobile Security available for free by accessing the Google Play Store market (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.tgsoft.virit) from which you can pick up the Lite version, which can be freely used in both private and business settings

It is possible to upgrade to the PRO version by purchasing it directly from our website

TG Soft
External Relations
Any information published on our site may be used and published on other websites, blogs, forums, facebook and/or in any other form both in paper and electronic form as long as the source is always and in any case cited explicitly “Source: CRAM by TG Soft www.tgsoft.it” with a clickable link to the original information and / or web page from which textual content, ideas and / or images have been extrapolated.
It will be appreciated in case of use of the information of C.R.A.M. by TG Soft www.tgsoft.it in the report of summary articles the following acknowledgment/thanks “Thanks to Anti-Malware Research Center C.R.A.M. by TG Soft of which we point out the direct link to the original information: [direct clickable link]”

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO is certified by the biggest international organisation: