
Enrico Tonello speaker at the webinar "Digital Security: how to protect your data from network attacks," organized by CNA of Padua.

On Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 2 p.m. the webinar "How to protect your data from network attacks" will be held. Find out how to participate...

Webinar "Sicurezza Digitale: come proteggere i tuoi dati dagli attacchi in rete", organizzato da CNA e Camera di Commercio di Padova

We are pleased to announce that Engineer Enrico Tonello, co-founder of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist, has been invited by CNA of Padua to participate as a speaker in the free webinar on Digital Security, as part of Punto Impresa Digitale, which will take place:

Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in streaming mode => Find out how to sign up

The webinar titled "Digital Security: how to protect your data from network attacks" organized by CNA Padua together with the Padua Chamber of Commerce is an initiative aimed at businesses to learn about and better manage their INFORMATION AND DIGITAL SECURITY.

The course is divided into two webinars, one addressing the use of cookies in privacy issues and other tracking tools, and the second meeting on Dec. 15, focuses on "issues concerning data security, which is often susceptible to damage or theft caused by external and internal agents," with the aim of identifying threats and setting up useful tools to counter them.

We would like to thank the organizers, Padua Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA) with CNA Padua, and in particular Catia Ventura, CNA Padua Trade Union Area manager, Giulia Scanferla CNA Padua Privacy Service manager, and Federico Ambrosi for inviting Enrico Tonello as a speaker with an in-depth discussion on RANSOMWARE "....how it attacks and how you can defend yourself!"


Given the topics covered in the webinar, the program of TG Soft's talk will be of a technical-informative nature and will present to the audience the state of the art of RANSOMWARE <<...how it attacks and how you can defend yourself!>>.



An overview will be made of the main families/types of Ransomware / Crypto-Malware, from their appearance (2012) until today and which have spread most in Italy go analyzing how they spread and the damage they can cause.

The topics that will be illustrated are listed below:

  • What ransomware is and its classification;
  • How it has evolved from 2010 to the present day
  • Ransomware aka current Crypto-Malware
  • The main methods of diffusion/attack
  • How we Can / MUST Defend Against Ransomware - Crypto-Malware
  • Demonstration of attack and defense against one of the most insidious today circulating ransomware ...
    •     Attack on Virtual Machine without Specific Mitigation Technologies.
    •     Attack on identical Virtual Machine with HEURISTIC-BEHAVIOURAL mitigation technologies.

The speaker Eng. Enrico Tonello

Eng. Enrico Tonello IT Security Researcher & Co-Author of Vir.IT eXplorer, Co-Founder of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist
Ing. Enrico Tonello - co-fondatore di TG Soft
  •  Enrico Tonello Co-Author of Vir.IT eXplorer, co-founder of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist
  • Engineering graduate in Padua, Italy. Since 1990 attentive to computer security aspects and in particular virus&malware attacks.
  • Author of many articles on computer viruses&malware published in some of the leading Italian magazines in the field
Assisted for the technical demonstration by:

Michele Zuin

IT expert, systems analyst and Cyber Security enthusiast, technical customer support coordinator of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist.

TG Soft
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