
Vir.IT eXplorer PRO passes the latest test performed in May 2024 by AppEsteem for DeceptorFighters AV products, achieving the highest result

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO reconfirms the certification as AV DeceptorFighters, passing the May 2024 test
TG Soft is pleased to announce that Vir.IT eXplorer PRO passed the latest test released by AppEsteem, carried out in May 2024, achieving the highest result at the DeceptorFighters AV test.

Again this month Vir.IT eXplorer PRO is approved among the AV products, establishing itself as a product capable of detecting Deceptor software.These applications are not malware, but are classified as risky or unwanted for consumer protection, according to the criteria established by AppEsteem, that can be checked at the following page: Checklist
Vir.IT eXplorer PRO Certified by AppEsteem Logo AppEsteem

AppEsteem is an organization whose mission is to examine and analyze software programs, to protect the end user against cyber threats, offering technical information and expert reviews on the reliability of apps in circulation.
The world's leading cybersecurity companies rely on AppEsteem to protect end users. These companies have collaborated in implementing certification requirements and the Deceptor program through knowledge sharing and an ongoing commitment to protecting consumers from cybercrime.

AppEsteem certification and passed tests

The certification as an AV Deceptor Fighter, issued by AppEsteem, aims to provide the end consumer with technical information on those AV products that implemented the requirements to detect Deceptor apps, ensuring effective protection during the installation of software detected as potentially "aggressive" for the  consumer.

It is thus tested the ability of the AV to block, both at installation and subsequent installation, those apps considered Deceptor (i.e. "aggressive") and to allow the installation of those certified as safe.

TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist
Vir.IT eXplorer PRO, distributed and supported by TG Soft, has been officially certified by AppEsteem since March 2019.

Below is the result obtained by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in the last test in May 2024 and the results of previous tests, which can be found on the following page Deceptor Fighters:

Certificazione AppEsteeem Maggio 2024

Certificazione AppEsteeem Aprile 2024
Certificazione AppEsteeem Marzo 2024

Certificazione AppEsteeem Febbraio 2024
Certificazione AppEsteeem Gennaio 2024

Below you can see all the tests passed by Vir.IT eXplorer PRO in previous years:      

Try Vir.IT eXplorer Lite 

If you are not yet using Vir.IT eXplorer PRO, we recommend you to install Vir.IT eXplorer Lite -FREE Edition- to supplement the antivirus in use to increase the security of your computers, PCs and SERVERS.

Vir.IT eXplorer Lite
has the following special features:
  • freely usable in private and/or enterprise settings. It automatically updates both at Unique Identification Signatures and scanning engine level (Heuristic-Behavioral algorithms and any other technology made available such as Machine Learning/AI), with no time limitation;
  • interoperable with any other AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, AntiMalware or Internet Security already present on PCs and SERVERs as it does not conflict with or slow down the system but allows significantly increase security in terms of identification and remediation of infected files;
  • it identifies and, in many cases, even removes most of the viruses/malware actually circulating or, alternatively, allows them to be sent to the C.R.A.M. Anti-Malware Research Center  for further analysis to update Vir.It eXplorer PRO;
  • through the Intrusion Detection technology - available also  in the Lite version of Vir.IT eXplorer - the software is able to report any new-generation viruses/malware that have set in automatically and send the reported files to TG Soft's C.R.A.M;
  • thanks to the built-in Scheduler, the user will be able to automatically set up control scans on one or more hard drives, on desired days and times, without manual activation of these controls by the user.
Download Vir.IT eXplorer Lite from TG Soft's official page.

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It will be appreciated in case of use of the information of C.R.A.M. by TG Soft www.tgsoft.it in the report of summary articles the following acknowledgment/thanks “Thanks to Anti-Malware Research Center C.R.A.M. by TG Soft of which we point out the direct link to the original information: [direct clickable link]”

Vir.IT eXplorer PRO is certified by the biggest international organisation: