
The talk on cybersecurity, given by Gianfranco Tonello on Wednesday, 15/05/2024 at the Infocamere Padua headquarters, attracted great interest

The informative/ educational talk, which saw as speaker Eng. Gianfranco Tonello assisted by Michele Zuin, had a great success among the audience.
In the late afternoon of Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a meeting aimed at entrepreneurs on cybersecurity, organized by CNA Padua and Rovigo, was held at the headquarters of InfoCamere Padova. At the event Gianfranco Tonello, co-founder of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist, assisted by Michele Zuin, an IT technician with many years of experience, presented a talk focused on the topic. 

The exclusive event, organized by CNA Padua and Rovigo for entrepreneurs, was held in an exceptional venue: the InfoCamere data center in Corso Stati Uniti. Infocamere's data center, located in Padua, collects data from the entire Italian Chamber system: a true digital excellence, technological but also green and sustainable. The meeting began with a guided tour of InfoCamere's data center and then the seminar part started. There was an initial introduction by Dr. Salvatore Metrangolo, head of production category coordination for CNA Padua and Rovigo, followed by speeches by Dr. Cédric Boniolo advisor for CNA Veneto, Dr. Luca Petrella, Dr. Luca Candiani,Technology and Plants of InfoCamere, Dr. Claudio De Rossi CISO of Infocamere and Domenico Tarantino, head of statistics and data analysis of Infocamere in teleconference from the Bari office.

Then Gianfranco Tonello, assisted by Michele Zuin, gave a closing Lab talk on a real Ransomware attack, using a Lockbit sample captured in the wild, using a HORA (Human Operated Ransomware Attack) type attack.

Summary of the main topics covered

The meeting, 2nd stage of a series of meetings promoted by InnovaHUB aimed at the digital growth of SMEs and organized by CNA Padua and Rovigo, was held with a very good attendance

TG Soft's talk began in the second part of the meeting, where the two designated speakers:
  • Eng. Gianfranco Tonello,  IT Security Researcher & Software Developer Manager, CEO of TG Soft Cyber Security Specialist  
  • Michele Zuin,  IT expert, senior systems analyst
took turns in explaining the various topics on the program.

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After a quick overview about the cyber attacks recorded by our Research Center in 2023 - with special reference to the massive campaigns of Password Stealer, Trojan Banker and generic Malware as well as Ransomware attacks which are now HOR (Human Operated Ransomware) Attack type - a real Ransomware attack simulation was carried out, structured as follows:
  • Ransomware attack in HOR mode without specific and appropriate protection technologies;
  • Ransomware attack in HOR mode with EURISTIC-BEHAVIORAL  mitigation technologies. This simulation highlighs that defense against these attacks is possible, thus minimizing the technical Out-of-Service time of systems and thereby ensuring Business Continuity.

During the meeting the television broadcaster Telenuovo, with great pleasure, interviewed Gianfranco Tonello. Here is an excerpt. You can see the full interview at the following link:

Video Telenuovo Enterprises and cybersecurity with CNA

Breve intervista di Telenuovo a Gianfranco Tonello, CEO di TG Soft, durante l'incontro..
It is crucial to spread the knowledge and tools to protect ourselves from cyber criminals, especially against the increasingly sophisticated and intelligent Social Engineering tactics implemented by cyber crooks to breach our security defenses and take over our data. 
To prevent these attacks, in addition to equipping ourselves with concrete defensive tools, it is important to know and implement some common sense practices, as Gianfranco Tonello points out:
''It is advisable to use a different password for each service because, if it is compromised and the password is published, the cyber attacker will only be able to use that exact password to access that particular service. It is essential to always pay attention to e-mail messages, check the sender, attachments..and especially check if the link provided actually corresponds to the service we are trying to access...''

We again thank the organizer, CNA of Padua and Rovigo, and especially Dr. Salvatore Metrangolo, coordination manager of the Production category, for the invitation of Gianfranco Tonello as a speaker.

Photo gallery of the conference...

Gianfranco standing up breaks the ice and introduces the main themes of the talk. Michele seated at the speakers' table Gianfranco as he illustrates the report of malspam threats recorded by our C.R.A.M. during 2023

Gianfranco goes on to explain the statistics for the year 2023 Michele highlights the trend of malspam campaigns in the year 2023

Michele performs a first simulation of a ransomware attack without active protections.
Encryption phase start on the PC / SERVER that does NOT have a protection system reporting the attack

Second simulation of a ransomware attack on the PC/SERVER equipped with a heuristic-behavioral protection system, designed to report and mitigate the effects of the attack, even from next-generation variants.
Michele and Gianfranco explain how ransomware is intercepted and how the heuristic-behavioral technologies built into the Vir.IT eXplorer PRO antivirus work.

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